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Meditating in Nature

Reclaim what's 

Reclaiming the Feminine Experience

As women, we are so often provided our experience by external sources. We're told how we should look, how we can act. We're offered a limited scope of careers, a socially acceptable list of creative outlets. How we speak, dress, walk, and talk; how we love and move; even how we procreate and give birth is dictated for us. 

But female energy is Shakti energy. Women are filled with, and guided by, The Power That Is All Things. We don't need a list of dictates, a set of approved emotions and expressions, an experience created for us. We are an experience. 

The theme of our retreat never changes. It is Reclaiming the Feminine Experience. These weekends are about standing in our Shakti, our power, the essence that is feminine, the well of power from which all things spring. Join us to reclaim what is yours.

Spring 2024
Spring 2024
Montana's premier women's retreat
Apr 26, 2024, 5:00 PM – Apr 28, 2024, 4:00 PM
31 Hot Springs Rd, Boulder, MT 59632, USA

What women are saying

"The support, safety, and sheer love I experienced will not soon be forgotten."


"Truly an amazing experience. I am leaving here a new person!'


"Very powerful. The meditations seemed to totally work for me, and I felt able to release something I've been really holding on to. Brought tears to my eyes, in a good way"


"A very fulfilling and superbly soul satisfying weekend! Great fun, and I know it will be the foundation of the next tier/level of evolutionary growth and expansion for so many of us."

"This is something I I didn't realize that I needed."

"I felt love and grace. It was easy to be myself. I am a very spiritual and this weekend deepened that."




Meet our sponsors


Express Logo.jpg
Whole Heart Logo.png
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Beauty on Broadway

Happy Hounds

Hillary Jean

Jacquie Peterson

Journey of Life Healing

Kayla Lappin

Keira Shine Jewelry

LiteHouse Ladies

Meadowlark Natural Medicine

Monica Grace

Pastel Puppy Studios

Sage Woman Healing & Massage

Southwest Montana CFCU

Tina West--BHHS


The Yoga Cooperative


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Meet Your Host


Deb Penner

Deb Penner is a transformative visionary who guides women to embrace their magic and unleash the voice of the Divine Feminine. She creates spaces and experiences where women can explore their values, gifts, and voices, including women’s retreats, workshops, online communities, and an entrepreneur mastermind in Butte, MT. Deb also provides one-on-one and group coaching for high-achieving women, and is a speaker and blog author.


When she’s not championing women, you’ll likely find Deb outdoors with her dogs, in the kitchen scratch cooking, on a dance floor, or curled up with a book. She is happiest when surrounded by people that she loves and immersed in nature. Naturally curious, Deb will try almost anything once, as long as it isn’t food served in a poorly lit room. You can find Deb on social media @transformativeaf or on her website.

Along with leading women in change, Deb loves to bring them together, creating various forms of the tribe that is missing from so many women's hearts and lives. FEnomenon was born in 2021 when Deb and her friend Amy Lowney started talking about ways to help women who wanted a transition in their professional lives. As the two talked about a workshop for a few specific ladies, Amy said the words that started it all...why do something for 5 or 6 women when we can do something for all women?

Just like that, a retreat was born! FEnomenon reflects the best of what Deb loves to offer her sisters--community, passion, learning, challenge, sacred space, and inspiration. 

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